// DOQCS :http://doqcs.ncbs.res.in/
// Accession Name = MAPK_network_2003
// Accession Number = 50
// Pathway Name = PP1
// Pathway Number = 218
// Transcriber = Upinder S. Bhalla, NCBS
// Developer = Upinder S. Bhalla, NCBS
// Species = Generic mammalian
// Tissue = Brain - Neuronal
// Cell Compartment = Synapse
// Notes = This is a network model of many pathways present at the neuronal synapse. The network has properties of temporal tuning as well as steady-state computational properties. In its default form the network is bistable.Bhalla US Biophys J. 2004 Aug;87(2):745-53
// kkit Version 11 flat dumpfile
// Saved on Tue Dec 13 12:24:44 2005
include kkit {argv 1}
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simundump geometry /kinetics/geometry 0 1.6667e-21 3 sphere "" white black \
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yellow 75 14 0
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51 "" 75 15 0
simundump kpool /kinetics/sGC/5prime_GMP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 \
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simundump kpool /kinetics/sGC/Ery_HbO2 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 1 0 /kinetics/geometry \
62 yellow 76 8 0
simundump kpool /kinetics/sGC/COHb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 /kinetics/geometry 0 \
yellow 73 4 0
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simundump doqcsinfo /kinetics/doqcsinfo 0 pdb218.g PP1 pathway \
"Upinder S. Bhalla, NCBS" "Upinder S. Bhalla, NCBS" "citation here" \
"Generic Mammalian" "Brain - Neuronal" Synapse Qualitative \
"Bhalla US Biophys J. 2004 Aug;87(2):745-53 ( peer-reviewed publication )" \
"Exact GENESIS implementation" "Approximates original data " 101 21 0
simundump xgraph /graphs/conc1 0 0 600 0 0.00034388 0
simundump xgraph /graphs/conc2 0 0 600 0 9.0568 0
simundump xplot /graphs/conc1/cGMP.Co 3 524288 \
"delete_plot.w ; edit_plot.D " blue 0 0 1
simundump xplot /graphs/conc2/CO.Co 3 524288 \
"delete_plot.w ; edit_plot.D " 62 0 0 1
simundump xgraph /moregraphs/conc3 0 0 600 0 6.1089e-05 0
simundump xgraph /moregraphs/conc4 0 0 600 0 0.064304 0
simundump xplot /moregraphs/conc3/GC5_CO.Co 3 524288 \
"delete_plot.w ; edit_plot.D " 8 0 0 1
simundump xplot /moregraphs/conc4/GC6-CO.Co 3 524288 \
"delete_plot.w ; edit_plot.D " 0 0 0 1
simundump xcoredraw /edit/draw 0 69 118 2 23
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"edit_elm.D ; drag_from_edit.w " auto 0.6
simundump xtext /file/notes 0 1
xtextload /file/notes \
"Carbon Monoxide is an activator of soluble Gunalyl Cyclase and has been implicated as " \
"a neuronal messenger.(Ingi et al., 1996, Neuron, 16:835-842). CO binds to the heme group" \
"on sGC, similar to NO binding. Exogenous CO at similar conc. to endogenous levels blocked" \
"the NO-mediated cGMP release.(Ingi et al., 1996)" \
"Olfactory receptor neurons have been used by Ingi et al., to investigate the relationship" \
"of CO to cGMP levels, as these cells have high levels of HO activity but no NOS activity." \
"Kharitonov et al., PNAS, 1995, 92:2568-2571, report the presence of a six and five co-ordinate" \
"intermediate of carboxy GC, induced by CO. They ofcourse used purified GC from bovine lung. But " \
"considering CO activity is almost similar in different tissues, one or two rates have been used" \
"from their reported data."
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO/activeGC /kinetics/sGC/cGMP MM_PRD pA
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/PDE/kenz /kinetics/sGC/cGMP REAC sA B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO/activeGC /kinetics/sGC/GTP REAC sA B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa /kinetics/sGC/sGC REAC A B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/sGC /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CO /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC6-CO /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa PRODUCT n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/HOXY /kinetics/sGC/Heme REAC sA B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/HOXY /kinetics/sGC/CO MM_PRD pA
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa /kinetics/sGC/CO REAC A B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/HOXY /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2 REAC eA B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2 /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/HOXY ENZYME n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/Heme /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/HOXY SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa /kinetics/sGC/GC6-CO REAC B A
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/K /kinetics/sGC/GC6-CO REAC A B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC6-CO /kinetics/sGC/K SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO /kinetics/sGC/K PRODUCT n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO /kinetics/sGC/k SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/dissoCO /kinetics/sGC/k PRODUCT n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/K /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO REAC B A
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/k /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO REAC A B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO/activeGC ENZYME n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GTP /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO/activeGC SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/k /kinetics/sGC/dissoCO REAC B A
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2 /kinetics/sGC/dissoCO REAC A B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/PDE/kenz /kinetics/sGC/PDE REAC eA B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/PDE /kinetics/sGC/PDE/kenz ENZYME n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/cGMP /kinetics/sGC/PDE/kenz SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/PDE/kenz /kinetics/sGC/5prime_GMP MM_PRD pA
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2 /kinetics/sGC/Ery_HbO2 REAC A B
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2 /kinetics/sGC/COHb REAC B A
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/dissoCO /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2 SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/Ery_HbO2 /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2 SUBSTRATE n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/COHb /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2 PRODUCT n
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/cGMP /graphs/conc1/cGMP.Co PLOT Co *cGMP.Co *blue
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/CO /graphs/conc2/CO.Co PLOT Co *CO.Co *62
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO /moregraphs/conc3/GC5_CO.Co PLOT Co *GC5_CO.Co *8
addmsg /kinetics/sGC/GC6-CO /moregraphs/conc4/GC6-CO.Co PLOT Co *GC6-CO.Co *0
// End of dump
call /kinetics/sGC/notes LOAD \
"This model features the basis of CO activating sGC. Kharitonov et al.," \
"1995, PNAS, 92:2568-2571, report the presence of a six coordinate" \
"and an active five coord carboxy species, in the activation " \
"mechanism, though the five coord sp. is present in small amounts." \
call /kinetics/sGC/GTP/notes LOAD \
"Under in vivo conditions, GTP is present in excess, ~ 1mM."
call /kinetics/sGC/sGC/notes LOAD \
"sGC is enriched in purkine cells ~3 uM (Conc from Shinya Kuroda, assumed on " \
"the basis of reported data in Ariano et al., 1982, PNAS,79: 297-300)" \
"soluble Guanylyl Cyclase localization is virtually identical to that of" \
"HO-2 in numerous brain regions.(Ingi et al., 1995, J Neurosci., 15:8214-8222)," \
"in contrast to discrepancies in the localization of NOS and sGC in the brain."
call /kinetics/sGC/CObindsGCa/notes LOAD \
"This gives rise to the six co-ordinate carboxy GC." \
"Kharitonov et al., 1995, PNAS, 92:2568-2571 report CO association and" \
"dissociation rates at 1.2e5 /M/sec and 28 /sec respectively." \
"Kharitonov et al., 1999, Biochemistry, 38(33):10699-10706 report" \
"Ka at 7.86 +- 0.50 /mM."
call /kinetics/sGC/Heme/notes LOAD \
"Total cellular heme determined spectrophotometrically to be 1.5 nmol/mg protein." \
"(Ingi et al., 1996, Neuron,16:835-842), a value resembling reported heme content" \
"in neuronal tissues. " \
"Ingi et al., also reports in J Neurosci. 1996,16(18):5621-5628, that Brain" \
"has significant levels of heme (1.3 nmol/mg protein)" \
"Conc calculated/used 21.3"
call /kinetics/sGC/CO/notes LOAD \
"CO is an endogenous modulator of sGC. It is produced by the" \
"oxidative cleavage by HO to yield CO and Biliverdin. It also" \
"binds to the heme group on sGC as NO and it may be competetive" \
"to NO with regard to the binding to the heme prosthetic group." \
"Like NO, it binds to the Iron in the heme, and activate Guanylyl Cyclase." \
"(Brune et al., 1987, Mol. Pharmacol.32, 497-504), Kharitonov" \
"et al., 1995, PNAS, 92:2568-2571)" \
"Because of the gaseous nature of CO, and its high affinity for hemoprotein," \
"its very difficult to determine the exact intracellular concentration of CO." \
"Endogenous CO level was calculated to be 50-160 pmol/mg protein or" \
"10-30 uM, by Ingi et al., J Neursoci 1996, 16(18): 5621-5628, on the assumption" \
"that the amount of CO produced for 10-30 mins is an effective concentration in the" \
"cell, taking into account the diffusion of CO. " \
"Using exogenous CO at the endogenous levels of 10-30 uM, significant " \
"elevation of GC activity is observed, though CO does not seem to be a " \
"rapid stimulator, but works as a modulator, producing slower and " \
"long-term effects (Ingi et al., 1996, J Neurosci.,16(18):5621-5628)." \
call /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/notes LOAD \
"Heme oxygenase 2 (HO-2)-Highly expressed in Brain (Sun et al.," \
"1990, J Biol. Chem., 265: 8212-8217), with discrete neuronal localization" \
"demonstrated throughout the brain with in situ hybridisation and " \
"immunohistochemical studies (Verma et al., 1993, Science, 259:" \
"381-384). Mol. Wt. of HO-2 is 36 kDa.(Migita et al., JBC,1998,273(2):945-949.)" \
"Three mammalian isoforms have been identified. HO-1, is inducible " \
"and highly concentrated in tissues and involved in catabolism of heme proteins." \
"HO-3, is an isoform with low catalytic activity, with uncertain physiological role." \
"(Montellano, PRO., 2000, Curr Opin in Chem Biol, 4:221-227)"
call /kinetics/sGC/Hemeoxyg2/HOXY/notes LOAD \
"Ingi et al., J Neurosci., 1996, 16(18):5621-5628, report the production" \
"rates of heme precursors and metabolites. The rate reported for CO from heme" \
"is 2.9 pmol/mg protein over 6 hr. Their results indicate high HO activity in brain" \
"(along with significant levels of heme) at around 280pmol of bilirubin/mg/min." \
"Montellano PRO, Curr. Opin. in Chem. Biol, 2000,4:221-227 and refs cited in his paper" \
"were also studied initially." \
"Km for free heme is around 3.8 +/- 0.5 uM.(Bonkovsky et al.," \
"1990, 189(1):155-166)"
call /kinetics/sGC/GC6-CO/notes LOAD \
"The six-coordinate form of sGC bound to CO. This mechanism has been " \
"proved with results by Kharitonov et al., PNAS, 1995, 92:2568-2571." \
"Most of the Carboxy derivative of GC is six-coordinate."
call /kinetics/sGC/K/notes LOAD \
"The transition from six co-ordinate to the five co-ordinate" \
"carboxy GC." \
"CO dissociation rate for 6 coord sp for heme is 0.95 /sec." \
"(Kharitonov et al., 1995, PNAS, 92:2568-2571)"
call /kinetics/sGC/k/notes LOAD \
"The dissociation of CO from the active five co-ordinate GC. " \
"rate from Kharitonov et al., PNAS, 1995, 92:2568-2571." \
"Further justification include the fact that Soret absorption" \
"spectrum of GC-NO suggesting almost complete sonversion to five" \
"co-ordinate species. So, assuming that the five co-ord species" \
"is more active than the basal form, irrespective of the Ligand," \
"the percentage of five co-ordinate intermediate induced by CO " \
"was calculated to be 3% to 1.5%.(Kharitonov et al., 1995, PNAS)" \
"using mean value, ~ 2 +- 1 %, and kobs = 28/sec, k = 1*10^3/sec." \
"(Kharitonov et al., PNAS, 1995, 92:2568-2571)"
call /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO/notes LOAD \
"The active five coordinate Carboxy GC. Kharitonov et al., PNAS, 1995, 92:2568-2571 " \
"report the presence of a five coord carboxy species during the activation of GC by CO," \
"similar to the presence of a five coord species in the nitroxyl GC, during NO activation" \
"of sGC."
call /kinetics/sGC/GC5_CO/activeGC/notes LOAD \
"Friebe et al., 1996, EMBO Journal, 15(24): 6863-6868 and back" \
"refs cited in their paper. " \
"They have studied the potentiation by YC-1 of CO activated sGC." \
"In the absence of YC-1, they report 3 fold stimulation of GC by" \
"CO, with 218 +- 11 nmol/min/mg of cGMP." \
"Vmax / Km increased by 100 X."
call /kinetics/sGC/dissoCO/notes LOAD \
"The erythrocyte-associated hemoglobin has a critical role" \
"of being the primary CO-scavenging system. Locally generated" \
"CO is eliminated by hemoglobin in circulating erythrocytes and" \
"is gradually released into the alveolar space of the lung, where" \
"molecular oxygen is alternately bound to the heme. Most of the CO" \
"(Carbon Monoxide) generated in the body is exhaled into the " \
"airway." \
"(Suematsu M, Gasteroenterology 2001;120:1227-1240 and" \
"personal correspondence)"
call /kinetics/sGC/PDE/notes LOAD \
"Phosphodiesterase : Degrades cGMP to 5prime_GMP" \
"Conc from Kotera et al., Eur J Biochem., 1997; 249:434-442" \
"and Kuroda et al., J Neurosci, 2001, 21(15):5693-5702"
call /kinetics/sGC/PDE/kenz/notes LOAD \
"Km / Vmax -- 2 uM / 3.87 sec^-1." \
"rates from Turko et al., 1998, Biochem J, 329:505-510" \
"and Kuroda et al., J Neurosci, 2001, 21(15):5693-5702"
call /kinetics/sGC/Ery_HbO2/notes LOAD \
"Erythrocyte associated hemoglobin -- This supposedly is the " \
"primary CO-scavenging system. " \
"(Suematsu M, personal correspondence)"
call /kinetics/sGC/COHb/notes LOAD \
"Carboxy Hemoglobin, from which CO subsequently is released " \
"into the alveolar space of the lung, where molecular oxygen " \
"is alternately bound to the heme. Most of the CO generated " \
"in the body is thus exhaled into the airway." \
"(Suematsu M, personal correspondence)"
call /kinetics/sGC/CObindsHbO2/notes LOAD \
"CO binds to hemoglobin, predominantly the erythrocyte associated" \
"hemoglobin. The affinity of hemoglobin for CO is 200-250 times" \
"that of oxygen, while relative affinities of heme proteins" \
"(myoglobin), cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome P-450 for CO" \
"are much lower. " \
"CO binds reversibly to hemoglobin to form Carboxy hemoglobin," \
"(COHb) from which CO is exhaled through the lungs. Primary " \
"source for rates, Migita et al., JBC, 1998, 273(2): 945-949," \
"and refs cited in their paper."
call /kinetics/doqcsinfo/notes LOAD \
" This is a network model of many pathways present at the neuronal synapse. The network has properties of temporal tuning as well as steady-state computational properties. In its default form the network is bistable.Bhalla US Biophys J. 2004 Aug;87(2):745-53"