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Molecule List for pathway CaRegulation (Pathway Number 132) in Accession Osc_Ca_IP3metabolism (Accession Number 24)

Default ordering is done according to Pathway Number. Table headers can be used for changing the default ordering.
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The entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and are alternately color coded using  and  color.

BufferedSum Total Of
1 CaNetwork0.080No
    This pool represents intracellular calcium. Resting levels are around 80 nM, but this is subject to all sorts of influxes and pumps.
2 Ca-extNetwork40000Yes
    Extracell Ca conc = 4 mM Extracell vol assumed 100 X cell vol. It is anyway kept buffered for the purposes of the model, so the concentration won't change.
  • Ca-leak-from-ext
  • Network0.00080No
        This represents the pool of Ca leak channels. The conc gradient is so large that this pool needs only small number of molecules. For an equilibrium at 0.1 uM we need flow of 36e3/sec. With a permeability of 0.01 and a conc gradient of 4mM->0.1 uM (4e4) we get flux = N * perm * g rad => N = 36e3 / (1e-2 * 4e3) = 900 if flux = 20e3, N =500, which is what we use. This works out to a concentration of 0.83 nM.
    4 Ca-sequesterNetwork6.33280No
        Sequestered Ca pool The vol is 0.16 * the vol of the cell as a whole. The Ca-sequester conc that we use is same as that used in our other models (see Bhalla and Iyengar, Science 283, 1999: 381-387
    5 Ca10-CalNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 10 Ca molecules bound
    6 Ca15-CalNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 15 Ca molecules bound
    7 Ca20-CalNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 20 Ca molecules bound
    8 Ca25-CalNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 25 Ca molecules bound
    9 Ca30-CalseqNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 30 Ca molecules bound
    10 Ca35-CalseqNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 35 Ca molecules bound
    11 Ca40-CalNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 40 Ca molecules bound
    12 Ca5-CalNetwork00No
        Calsequestrin with 5 Ca molecules bound
    13 CaEPumpNetwork0.010No
        The calcium electrogenic pump: Mc Burney and Neering, TINS 10(4), 1987, 163-169. We treat the pump as a simple Michaelis-Menten enzyme. Levels are constrained tightly by the need to generate Ca oscillations within the Othmer-Tang model.
    14 CalseqNetwork9.090No
        This is Calsequestrin or the calcium buffer in the ER. from Cala & Jones, JBC 258(19), 1983: 11932-36 Calseq is present as 4mg/g of membrane protein; membarne protein = 2% of cell mass = 0.02 * 1g/cc * (1e-9)cc =(2e-11) g Hence Calseq = 8e-14/550000 moles per (1.6e-13)l = 9.091uM As per Guidebook of the calcium-binding proteins by Celio; and Mitchell et al, JBC 263, 1988: 1376-81; 1 mol of Calsequestrin binds 40 mol of Ca. This is the stoichiometry we use. The affinity of Calsequestrin for Ca in our model is constrained by the levels of free Ca in the stores (Ca-sequester). We use a Kd such that Ca-sequester levels remain similar to levels in the CaRegulation model without Ca buffering.
  • capacitive_Ca_
  • Network0.010No
        This mechanism has taken a while to be more tightly confirmed as probably being the TRP channel. The channel is implemented to match experimental observations about capacitative Ca entry. Levels are unchanged from the CaReg model used to generate non-oscillatory Ca response in the IP3 metabolism network.
    16 inact_cap_entryNetwork00No
        represents the portion of the capacitative-Ca entry channel which is blocked when there is lots of Ca sequestered in the stores

    Result: 1 - 16 of 16 rows are displayed

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