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Parameters for PLCbeta (Pathway Number 73) Pathway Layout
Pathway Basic Parameters Pathway Name | PLCbeta | Pathway Entry Number | 73 | Accession Number | 16 | Accession Name | Synaptic_Network | Species | Generic mammalian | Tissue | Neuronal | CellCompartment | Synapse | Related Pathways | 4,
| Notes | Phospholipase C beta. This model only incorporates Ca and Gq regulation, though there is evidence to show that many things, from kinase to phosphatidic acid all regulate its activity. There are various subtypes of PLCbeta: 1, 2, 3 and probably more. This version is not specific enough to be subtyped. Primary refs: Homma et al 1988 JBC 263(14):6592 Ryu et al 1987 JBC 262(26):12511 Sternweis et al 1992 Phil Trans Roy Soc Lond and especially Smrcka et al 1991 Science 251:804-807
| Statistics Conversion formatThis pathway is part of accession 16 and is completely specified in the file acc16.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc16.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc16.g |
Pathway Detail Molecule List Enzyme List Reaction List
| Database compilation and code copyright (C) 2022, Upinder S. Bhalla and NCBS/TIFR This Copyright is applied to ensure that the contents of this database remain freely available. Please see FAQ for details. |