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Pathway List for gs

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Entries are color tagged depending on Network  or Pathway 
  Pathway Name
Pathway No.
Accession Name
Accession No.
Pathway statisticsgs statisticsSource
Entry Date
1 Gs
Pathway No. 137

Accession No. 25
NetworkMolecule = 8
Enzyme   = 0
Reaction  = 7
Molecule = 0
Enzyme   = 0
Reaction  = 0
Bhalla US Methods Enzymol. 2002;345:3-23). ( peer-reviewed publication )/
2002-01-12 00:00:00
   Related Pathway: 
    We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of rec activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991
Native Format (GENESIS format)    path137.g   
GENESIS Format (Annotated version)    Anno_path137.g   
MATLAB format    path137.m   
2 Gs
Pathway No. 198

Accession No. 47
NetworkMolecule = 8
Enzyme   = 0
Reaction  = 7
Molecule = 0
Enzyme   = 0
Reaction  = 0
Bhalla US. (2004) Biophys J. 87(2):733-44. ( peer-reviewed publication )/
2003-04-28 00:00:00
   Related Pathway: 
    We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of rec activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991
Native Format (GENESIS format)    path198.g   
GENESIS Format (Annotated version)    Anno_path198.g   
MATLAB format    path198.m   

Result: 1 - 2 of 2 rows are displayed

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