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Contributors to the database

The true contributors to this database are the thousands of biochemists, pharmacologists and molecular biologists who have worked out the details of signaling pathways and their rates. As anyone who has done experiments of this kind will attest, this involves long hours of work, often involving nasty chemicals and radioactivity, to obtain a couple of rate constants. This project is dedicated to their efforts and to the hope that this database will help to bring them together with modelers to better understand the chemistry of life.
Upinder S. Bhalla.

The impetus for developing the DOQCS database came from a discussion with Shinya Kuroda and Jeanette Hellgren-Kotaleski at the Stockholm Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, organized by Anders Lanser and Sten Grillner in June 2001. My thanks to all of them.

Initial seed pathway models were compiled in published papers:

Bhalla, U.S. and Iyengar, R.
Emergent properties of networks of biological signaling pathways. Science 283:381-387, 1999.

Bhalla, U.S. and Iyengar, R.
Robustness of the bistable behavior of a biological signaling feedback loop. Chaos 11(1):221-226, 2001

The DOQCS pathway database entry project has been initiated with the help of
S. Sivakumaran
S. Hariharaputran
J. Mishra

Later Model contribution continued by
Pradeep Kumar.S
Sharat J.Vayttaden
Pragati Jain  (currently working in Lab)
Prasoon Agarwal  

The programming of the doqcs site is done by
U.S. Bhalla and
Harsha Rani.G.V

Database compilation and code copyright (C) 2022, Upinder S. Bhalla and NCBS/TIFR
This Copyright is applied to ensure that the contents of this database remain freely available. Please see FAQ for details.