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Accession information for NOS_Phosph_regulation (Accession Number 20)

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Accession Basic Parameters

Name NOS_Phosph_regulation
Accession Type Pathway
Transcriber Sudhir Sivakumaran, NCBS
Developer Sudhir Sivakumaran, NCBS
Entry Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2001-12-25 00:00:00
Species rat; Mammalian
Tissue Brain - Neuronal; expressed in E.coli
Cell Compartment Cytosol
Source In-house
Methodology Quantitative match to experiments, Qualitative
Model Implementation Exact GENESIS implementation
Model Validation Approximates orginal data, Quantitatively predicts new data
Notes This model features the phosphorylation of rat brain neuronal NOS expressed in E. coli or Sf9 cells, which leads to a decrease in Vmax of the phosphorylated enzyme, with little change of both the Km for L-arginine and Kact for CaM. This is based on Hayashi Y. et al. J Biol Chem. (1999) 274(29):20597-602. They report of phosphorylatin being carried out by CaM kinases I alpha, II alpha and IV. The rates used have been obtained from their paper and from other reported experimental data.

Conversion formats

Native Format (GENESIS format)    acc20.g   
GENESIS Format (Annotated version)    Anno_acc20.g   
SBML format    acc20.xml   

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