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Accession information for Osc_Ca_IP3metabolism (Accession Number 32)

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Accession Basic Parameters

Name Osc_Ca_IP3metabolism
Accession Type Network
Transcriber Jyoti Mishra, NCBS
Developer Jyoti Mishra, NCBS
Entry Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2002-04-03 00:00:00
Species Generic mammalian
Tissue Brain - Neuronal
Cell Compartment Cytosol
Source Mishra J, Bhalla US. Biophys J. 2002 Sep;83(3):1298-316. ( peer-reviewed publication )
Methodology Quantitative match to experiments, Qualitative
Model Implementation Exact GENESIS implementation
Model Validation Approximates original data
Notes This network models an oscillatory calcium response to GPCR mediated PLCbeta activation, alongwith detailed InsP3 metabolism in the neuron. It is similar to the Osc_Ca_IP3metab model (accession 24) except that some enzymes in the InsP3 metabolism network have been modified to have reversible kinetics rather than Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The modified enzymes belong to the groups: IP4-system, IP3-3K, 145_dephos and 134_dephos. Mishra J, Bhalla US. Biophys J. 2002 Sep;83(3):1298-316.

Conversion formats

Native Format (GENESIS format)    acc32.g   
GENESIS Format (Annotated version)    Anno_acc32.g   

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