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Result: 1 - 14 of 14 rows are displayed

Molecule List for pathway MAPK (Pathway Number 142) in Accession Huang_Ferrell_MAPK (Accession Number 30)

Default ordering is done according to Pathway Number. Table headers can be used for changing the default ordering.
arrow indicates that ordering is done according to ascending or descending order.
The entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and are alternately color coded using  and  color.

BufferedSum Total Of
1 MAPKPase[1]Pathway0.120No
    Concn. of mapkpasetot =0.12 uM from Huang and Ferrell 1996
2 MAPKPasePathway0.120No
    Concn. of mapkpasetot=0.12 uM from Huang and Ferrell 1996
3 MAPKKPase[1]Pathway0.00030No
    Concn. of mekpasetot i.e.,MAPKKpasetot=0.0003 uM from Huang and Ferrell, 1996
4 MAPKKPasePathway0.00030No
    Concn. of mekpasetot i.e.,MAPKKpasetot=0.003 uM from Huang and Ferrrell 1996
5 MAPKKK*Pathway00No
    This is the activated form of MAPKKK from Huang and Ferrell 1996
6 MAPKKKPathway0.0030No
    Concn. of MAPKKKtot=0.003 uM from Huang and Ferrell 1996
7 MAPKK-PPPathway00No
    This is the double phosphorylated form of MAPKK from Huang and Ferrell 1996
8 MAPKK-PPathway00No
    This is the single phosphorylated form of MAPKK from Huang and Ferrell 1996
9 MAPKKPathway1.20No
    Concn. is 1.2 uM from Huang and Ferrell 1996
10 MAPK-PPPathway00No
    This is the double phosphorylated form of MAPK from Huang and Ferrell 1996
11 MAPK-PPathway00No
    This is the single phosphorylated form of MAPK from Huang and Ferrell 1996
12 MAPKPathway1.20No
    Concn. is 1.2 uM from Huang and Ferrell 1996
13 INPUT(E1)Pathway0.10No
    E1tot concn. = 0.0003 uM from Mathematica code received from Dr. Ferrell through personal communication.
14 E2Pathway0.00030No
    E2tot. concn is 0.0003 uM from Huang and Ferrell

Result: 1 - 14 of 14 rows are displayed

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