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Molecule List for pathway PP1 (Pathway Number 218) | Name | Initial Conc. (uM) td> | Volume (fL) | Buffered | 1 | I1 | 1.8 | 1000 | No | | I1 is a 'mixed' inhibitor, but at high enz concs it looks like a non-compet inhibitor (Foulkes et al Eur J Biochem 132 309-313 9183). We treat it as non-compet, so it just turns the enz off without interacting with the binding site. Cohen et al ann rev bioch refer to results where conc is 1.5 to 1.8 uM. In order to get complete inhib of PP1, which is at 1.8 uM, we need >= 1.8 uM. | 2 | I1* | 0.001 | 1000 | No | | Dephosph is mainly by PP2B | 3 | PP1-I1 | 0 | 1000 | No | | | 4 | PP1-I1* | 0 | 1000 | No | | |
Pathway Details Molecule List Enzyme List Reaction List
| Database compilation and code copyright (C) 2022, Upinder S. Bhalla and NCBS/TIFR This Copyright is applied to ensure that the contents of this database remain freely available. Please see FAQ for details. |