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Molecule Parameter List for PLA2*-Ca

The statistics table lists the distribution of a molecule acting either as a substrate, product, enzyme or as a molecule within the network.
The text color of a molecule is highlighted by color.
PLA2*-Ca participated asMoleculeSum total ofEnzymeSubstrate of an enzymeProduct of an enzymeSubstrate in ReactionProduct in Reaction
No. of occurrences1010001

Accession and Pathway Details
Accession NameAccession No.Accession TypePathway Link
  • MAPK-bistability
  • 35Network
    Shared_Object_MAPK-bistability-fig1c Sos PKC 
    MAPK PLA2 Ras 
    Model for figure 1c in Bhalla US et al. Science (2002) 297(5583):1018-23.
    The demo for this figure is available here. This synaptic signaling model is without the MKP-1 feedback, so it is bistable and remains so over long periods.

    PLA2*-Ca acting as a Molecule in  
    MAPK-bistability-fig1c Network
    NameAccession NamePathway NameInitial Conc.
  • MAPK-bistability

    Accession No. : 35
  • PLA2
    Pathway No. : 183
    Phosphorylated and active form of PLA2. Several kinases act on it: PKA: Wightman et al JBC 257 pp6650 1982 PKC: Many refs, eg Gronich et al JBC 263 pp 16645, 1988 but see Lin etal MAPK: Lin et al, Cell 72 pp 269, 1993. Show 3x with MAPK but not PKC alone The Nemenoff assays are conducted in rather high Ca so I have assumed a Ca binding step.

    PLA2*-Ca acting as an Enzyme in  
    MAPK-bistability-fig1c Network
    Enzyme Molecule /
    Enzyme Activity
    Accession NamePathway NameKm (uM)kcat (s^-1)RatioEnzyme TypeReagents
    PLA2*-Ca /
  • MAPK-bistability

    Accession No. : 35
  • PLA2
    Pathway No. : 183
    201204explicit E-S complexSubstrate

    This form should be 3 to 6 times as fast as the Ca-only form, from Lin et al 1993 Cell 269-278 Nemenoff et al 1993 JBC 268:1960 Several forms contribute to the Ca-stimulated form, so this rate has to be a factor larger than their total contribution. I assign Vmax as the scale factor here because there is lots of APC substrate, so all the PLA2 complex enzymes are limited primarily by Vmax.

    PLA2*-Ca acting as a Product in a reaction in  
    MAPK-bistability-fig1c Network
    Kd is calculated only for second order reactions, like nA+nB <->nC or nA<->nC+nD, where n is number and A,B,C,D are molecules, where as for first order reactions Keq is calculated. Kd for higher order reaction are not consider.
    NameAccession NamePathway NameKfKbKdtauReagents
  • MAPK-bistability

    Accession No. : 35
  • PLA2
    Pathway No. : 183
    (uM^-1 s^-1)
    Kd(bf) = 0.0167(uM)-Substrate

    Nemenoff et al 1993 JBC 268:1960 report a 2X to 4x activation of PLA2 by MAPK, which seems dependent on Ca as well. This reaction represents this activation. Rates are scaled to give appropriate fold activation.

    Database compilation and code copyright (C) 2022, Upinder S. Bhalla and NCBS/TIFR
    This Copyright is applied to ensure that the contents of this database remain freely available. Please see FAQ for details.