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Molecule List for Accession Synaptic_Network (Accession Number16)

Default ordering is done according to Pathway Number. Table headers can be used for changing the default ordering.
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The entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and are alternately color coded using  and  color.
  NamePathway Name / 
Pathway No.

BufferedSum Total Of
1 AA
  • Shared_Object_

    Pathway No. 70
  • Network01000No
        Arachidonic Acid. This messenger diffuses through membranes as well as cytosolically, has been suggested as a possible retrograde messenger at synapses.
    2 AC1 AC

    Pathway No. 85
        AC concentrations are tricky due to poor antibodies. I refer to an estimate from Jacobowitz, PhD Thesis, Mount Sinai School of Medicine around Pg 149 which estimates cyclase as 1/12600 of membrane protein. This gives a whole-cell conc of about 33 nM using assumptions of 2% of cell mass being membrane protein. Defer et al 2000 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 279:F400-F416 in a good review put AC1 and AC8 (which has similar properties) as among the highly expressed form of brain cyclase. We therefore estimate its levels as a good fraction of the 33 nM, at 20 nM.
    3 AC1-CaM AC

    Pathway No. 85
        This state of AC1 is bound to Calmodulin and therefore activated. Gs stimulates it but betagamma inhibits.
    4 AC1-Gs AC

    Pathway No. 85
        This is the generic Gs-Stimulated state of AC1. Note that the enzyme is normally saturated, so all reactions involving AC1-Gs actually relate to the enzyme-substrate complex.
    5 AC2 AC

    Pathway No. 85
        AC concentrations are tricky due to poor antibodies. I refer to an estimate from Jacobowitz, PhD Thesis, Mount Sinai School of Medicine around Pg 149 which estimates cyclase as 1/12600 of membrane protein. This gives a whole-cell conc of about 33 nM using assumptions of 2% of cell mass being membrane protein. Defer et al 2000 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 279:F400-F416 in a good review put AC2 among the highly expressed form of brain cyclase. We therefore estimate its levels as a good fraction of the 33 nM, at 15 nM. This actually adds up to a little more than 33, but it is well within error estimates.
    6 AC2* AC

    Pathway No. 85
        This is the phosphorylation-activated form of AC2.
    7 AC2*-Gs AC

    Pathway No. 85
        This is the form activated synergistically by phosphorylation as well as Gs binding.
    8 AC2-Gs AC

    Pathway No. 85
        This is the generic Gs-Stimulated form of AC2
    9 AMP AC

    Pathway No. 85
        AMP is a tightly regulated metabolite, so here we simply buffer it to its resting value. The value doesn't really matter to any of the calculations since it acts like a one-way sink.
    10 APC PLA2

    Pathway No. 72
        arachodonylphosphatidylcholine is the favoured substrate from Wijkander and Sundler, JBC 202 pp 873-880, 1991. Their assay used 30 uM substrate, which is what the kinetics in this model are based on. For the later model we should locate a more realistic value for APC. For now it is treated as a buffered metabolite.
    11 ATP AC

    Pathway No. 85
        ATP is present in all cells between 2 and 10 mM. See Lehninger.
    12 BetaGamma
  • Shared_Object_

    Pathway No. 70
  • Network01000No
        The betagamma subunits of Gq. This is an approximation to the possible combinations of betagamma subunits. Here they are all treated as a single pool.
    13 Blocked-rec-Gq Gq

    Pathway No. 74
        This represents the blocked state of the receptor when bound to a competitive antagonist. Note that this is in the Gq bound form. Simulations had shown that with the available rates, the blocking was minimal if only the unbound receptor could bind the antagonist.
    14 Ca
  • Shared_Object_

    Pathway No. 70
  • Network0.081000No Ca_stim
        This calcium pool is treated as being buffered to a steady 0.08 uM, which is the resting level.
    15 Ca-ext CaRegulation

    Pathway No. 86
        Extracell Ca conc = 4 mM Extracell vol assumed 100 X cell vol It is kept buffered anyway for the puroposes of the model, so the concentration won't change.
  • Ca-leak-from-ext
  •  CaRegulation

    Pathway No. 86
        This represents the pool of Ca leak channels. The concentration gradient is so large that this pool only needs a small number of molecules. For an equilibrium at 0.1 uM we need flow of 36e3/sec. With a permeability of 0.01 and a concentration gradient of 4mM->0.1 uM (4e4) we get flux = N * perm * grad => N = 36e3 / (1e-2 * 4e3) = 900 if flux = 20e3, N =500, which is what we use. This works out to a concentration of 0.83 nM.
  • Ca-leak-to-cytop
  •  CaRegulation

    Pathway No. 86
        This pool represents the channels which leak Ca into the cytoplasm. It is a probably a composite of various channels depending on cell type. Membrane potential will obviously affect the leak amount, but that is not considered. The amounts and total flux are constrained by the need to balance the Ca flux and keep basal Ca levels around 80 nM.
    18 Ca-sequester CaRegulation

    Pathway No. 86
        This is the sequestered Calcium pool. The vol is 0.16 * the vol of the cell as a whole. This pool should really equilibrate with a highly buffered pool of Calcium, but that is not present in this version of the model.
    19 Ca.PLC_g PLC_g

    Pathway No. 79
    20 Ca.PLC_g* PLC_g

    Pathway No. 79

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