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Reaction List for pathway Ras (Pathway Number 37) in Accession mkp1_feedback_effects (Accession Number 4)

Entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and they are alternately color coded using  and  color.
Further ordering can be done to the table header.  indicates that ordering is done according to ascending or descending order.
Keq is calculated only for first order reactions.
Kd is calculated only for second order reactions. [nA+nB <->nC or nA<->nC+nD, where n is number and A,B,C,D are molecules]
Pathway Name / 
Pathway No.
1 dephosph-GEFRas

Pathway No. 37
--  Substrate:

  This rate is based on the known ratio of GDP-Ras to GTP-Ras. Basal: Ras.GTP = 7% Stimulated 15% Time course is within 10 min, probably much faster as not all early data points are there. See Gibbs et al JBC 265(33):20437-20422
  • Ras-intrinsic-GT
  • Ras

    Pathway No. 37
    --  Substrate:

      This is extremely slow (kf = 1e-4), but it is significant as so little GAP actually gets complexed with it that the total GTP turnover rises only by 2-3 X (see Gibbs et al, JBC 265(33) 20437-20422) and Eccleston et al JBC 268(36) 27012-27019 There is no back reaction as we assume this to be a regular irreversible Michaelis-Menten zeroth order hydrolysis.
    3 dephosph-GAPRas

    Pathway No. 37
    --  Substrate:

      Assume a reasonably good rate for dephosphorylating it, 0.1/sec. This fits well with resting levels of active kinase and the degree of activation as well as time-course of turnoff of Ras activation, but data is quite indirect.

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