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Molecule Parameter List for Ni

The statistics table lists the distribution of a molecule acting either as a substrate, product, enzyme or as a molecule within the network.
The text color of a molecule is highlighted by color.
Ni participated asMoleculeSum total ofEnzymeSubstrate of an enzymeProduct of an enzymeSubstrate in ReactionProduct in Reaction
No. of occurrences1000010

Accession and Pathway Details
Accession NameAccession No.Accession TypePathway Link
Reactions feeding into TnWa, TaWA and TWA are scaled by 10 Binding reaction of Tar with Aspartate has been scaled by 10 Phosphotransfer from CheAp to CheY has Kb = 0.263/sec/uM instead of 0.2/sec/uM used in BCT1.1.
All remaining parameters are from the .BCT files for BCT1.1 provided by Matthew Levin from the Computational Biology Group in the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge.
The June 2003 version of the BCT program is BCT4.3 and is available at the computational biology site of the Zoology department at Cambridge University.
Citation: Bray et al. Mol.Biol.Cell (1993) 4(5): 469-482.

Ni acting as a Molecule in  
Chemotaxis Network
NameAccession NamePathway NameInitial Conc.
Accession No. : 57
Pathway No. : 228
Ni = 0.0 uM As per Signal 1 in 1SIG_B.BCT provided by Matthew Levin Cell volume = 1.41e-15 L Table 1 pp.474 Bray et al 1993, Mol.Biol.Cell 4: 469-482

Ni acting as a Substrate in a reaction in  
Chemotaxis Network
Kd is calculated only for second order reactions, like nA+nB <->nC or nA<->nC+nD, where n is number and A,B,C,D are molecules, where as for first order reactions Keq is calculated. Kd for higher order reaction are not consider.
NameAccession NamePathway NameKfKbKdtauReagents
Accession No. : 57
Pathway No. : 228
(uM^-1 s^-1)
Kd(bf) = 1000.028(uM)-Substrate

Binding of Tar and Ni Kf = 1 * 10e+03 /sec/M = 0.001 /sec/uM Kb = 1 /sec Bray et al 1993, Mol.Biol.Cell 4: 469-482 Table 3 pp.476 Reaction Scheme 2

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