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Reaction List for pathway AC (Pathway Number 289) in Accession AMPAR_CaMKII_weak_coupling (Accession Number 65)

Entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and they are alternately color coded using  and  color.
Further ordering can be done to the table header.  indicates that ordering is done according to ascending or descending order.
Keq is calculated only for first order reactions.
Kd is calculated only for second order reactions. [nA+nB <->nC or nA<->nC+nD, where n is number and A,B,C,D are molecules]
Pathway Name / 
Pathway No.
1 CaM_bind_PDE1AC

Pathway No. 289
(uM^-1 s^-1)
Kd(bf) = 0.0069(uM)-  Substrate:

  For olf epi PDE1, affinity is 7 nM. Assume same for brain. Reaction should be pretty fast. Assume kb = 5/sec. Then kf = 5 / (0.007 * 6e5) = 1.2e-3
2 cAMP_diffusionAC

Pathway No. 289
Not applicable**-  Substrate:

  Represents diffusion, from a volume of 9e-20 to 5e-18. Assuming neck dimensions of 0.1 x 0.1 microns, this works out to a diffusion const of about 270 um^2/sec, which is pretty conservative. It is what cAMP does in frog cilia.
3 CaM-bind-AC1AC

Pathway No. 289
(uM^-1 s^-1)
Kd(bf) = 0.02(uM)-  Substrate:

  Half-max at 20 nM CaM (Tang et al JBC 266:13 8595-8603 1991 kb/kf = 20 nM = 12000 #/cell so kf = kb/12000 = kb * 8.333e-5
4 dephosph-AC2AC

Pathway No. 289
--  Substrate:

  Random rate.
5 dephosph-PDEAC

Pathway No. 289
--  Substrate:

  The rates for this are poorly constrained. In adipocytes (probably a different PDE) the dephosphorylation is complete within 15 min, but there are no intermediate time points so it could be much faster. Identity of phosphatase etc is still unknown.

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