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Molecule List for pathway CaM (Pathway Number 146) in Accession NonOsc_Ca_IP3metabolism (Accession Number 31)

Default ordering is done according to Pathway Number. Table headers can be used for changing the default ordering.
arrow indicates that ordering is done according to ascending or descending order.
The entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and are alternately color coded using  and  color.

BufferedSum Total Of
1 CaMNetwork200No
    LOT of this present in the cell: upto 1% of total protein mass. (Alberts et al, Mol Biol of the Cell, Garland Publishers) says 25 uM. Meyer et al, Science 256; 1992: 1199-1202 refer to studies saying it is comparable to CaMK levels. (Kakiuchi et al, J Biochem 92; 1982; 1041-48) say conc in cerebral cortex & cerebellum homogenates: 20-30uM Lower conc in other tissues: lung, adrenal gland, liver, kidney, spleen = 6,5,5,3,2 uM respectively
2 CaM-Ca3Network00No
    The TR1 end now begins to bind Ca. This form has 2 Ca's on the TR2 end, and one on the TR1.
3 CaM-Ca4Network00No
    The four-calcium-bound form of CaM. It is the active form for most reactions.
4 CaM-TR2-Ca2Network00No
    This is the intermediate where the TR2 end (the high-affinity end) has bound the Ca but the TR1 end has not.

Result: 1 - 4 of 4 rows are displayed

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