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Molecule List for pathway PLA2 (Pathway Number 988) in Accession Ajay_Bhalla_2007_ReacDiff3 (Accession Number 84)

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The entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and are alternately color coded using  and  color.

BufferedSum Total Of
1 APCNetwork30.00030Yes
    arachodonylphosphatidylcholine is the favoured substrate from Wijkander and Sundler, JBC 202 pp 873-880, 1991. Their assay used 30 uM substrate, which is what the kinetics in this model are based on. For the later model we should locate a more realistic value for APC.
2 DAG-Ca-PLA2*Network00No
3 PIP2-Ca-PLA2*Network00No
4 PIP2-PLA2*Network00No
5 PLA2*Network00No
6 PLA2*-CaNetwork00No
    Phosphorylated form of PLA2. Still need to hook it up using kinases. PKA: Wightman et al JBC 257 pp6650 1982 PKC: Many refs, eg Gronich et al JBC 263 pp 16645, 1988 but see Lin etal MAPK: Lin et al, Cell 72 pp 269, 1993. Show 3x with MAPK but not PKC alone Do not know if there is a Ca requirement for active phosphorylated state.
7 PLA2-Ca*Network00No
8 PLA2-cytosolicNetwork0.40No
    Calculated cytosolic was 20 nm from Wijkander and Sundler However, Leslie and Channon use about 400 nM. Need to confirm, but this is the value I use here. Another recalc of W&S gives 1uM

Result: 1 - 8 of 8 rows are displayed

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