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Parameters for HomoArginine (Pathway Number 309)

Pathway Layout

Pathway Basic Parameters

Pathway NameHomoArginine
Pathway Entry Number 309
Accession Number 73
Accession Name HomoArginine
Species human
Tissue Kidney cell expressing the rat brain nNOS
Related Pathways
Notes This model is taken from the Abu-Soud HM et al. Biochemistry. 1999 Sep 21;38(38):12446-51 This model shows kinetic binding of HomoArginine to neuronal nitric oxide synthase.
Model shows the substrate (Homorginine) binding to nNOS in a two-step reversible fashion. First there is rapid binding equilibrium between Im-nNOS and Homoarginine to form an intermediate that contains bound imidazole and homoarginine. This is followed by a slower conformational change in the Im-enzyme-substrate complex that is associated with release of bound imidazole and generation of a modified enzyme-substrate complex which is detected due to spectral change. Rates approximated based on data in Table 2. The rates for first reaction are not exact since only Kd known and appropriate graphs do not exist for matching the kinetic profile.


Enzyme sites

Conversion format

This pathway is part of accession 73 and is completely specified in the file acc73.g.
There is no separate files for just this pathway.
Native Format (GENESIS format)    acc73.g   
MATLAB format    acc73.m   
SBML format    acc73.xml   

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