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Molecule List for pathway CaMKII (Pathway Number 174) in Accession CaMKII (Accession Number 33)

Default ordering is done according to Pathway Number. Table headers can be used for changing the default ordering.
arrow indicates that ordering is done according to ascending or descending order.
The entries are grouped according to Pathway Number and are alternately color coded using  and  color.

BufferedSum Total Of
1 Total_CaMKIINetwork127.3250No
    This is not directly in the Holmes model. It is a trick used in GENESIS/Kinetikit to scale activity down for intramolecular reactions. Here it is used to scale the autophosph reactions such that only neighboring subunits will phosphorylate each other. This is done by scaling down the actual conc (in the enzyme parent, Tot-active-CaMKII) by the total conc such that instead of a conc, we the fraction of nearby subunits that will be active. Note that this conc of 10000 CaMKII subunits is 10 times the true conc, since only 1/10 of the molecules are neighboring molecules.
2 CaMKIINetwork12.73250No
    Init level is 100 holoenzymes of 10 subunits each.
3 CAMKII-CaMCaNetwork00No
4 CaMKII-CaMCa2Network00No
5 CaMKII-CaMCa3Network00No
6 CaMKII-CaMCa4Network00No
7 CaMKII-CaMNetwork00No
8 Trapped-T286Network00No
9 CappedNetwork00No
10 AutonomousNetwork00No
  • Tot-active-CaMKI
  • Network00No CaMKII-CaMCa4

    Result: 1 - 11 of 11 rows are displayed

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