Pathway Name Pathway No. | Accession Name Accession No. | Accession Type | Pathway statistics | gq statistics | Source Entry Date |
1 | Gq Pathway No. 23 | fig4_synapse
Accession No. 3 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Bhalla US and Iyengar R. Science (1999) 283(5400):381-7. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2001-11-07 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 74, 111, 125, 150, 163, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| This is the composite model of 4 kinases: PKC, MAPK, PKA and CaMKII and numerous regulatory pathways involved in synaptic signaling. From Bhalla US and Iyengar R. Science (1999) 283(5400):381-7.This model comes from figure 4 of that paper. Demonstration script files for generating the figures in the paper, including figure 4, are available here. |
| This pathway is part of accession 3 and is completely specified in the file acc3.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc3.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc3.g |
2 | Gq Pathway No. 316 | Ajay_Bhalla_ 2004_PKM_Tuning Accession No. 76 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Ajay SM, Bhalla US. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 Nov;20(10):2671-80. ( Peer-reviewed publication )/ 2006-12-12 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 125, 150, 163, 210, 334, 351 |
| We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of rec activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 |
| This pathway is part of accession 76 and is completely specified in the file acc76.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
3 | Gq Pathway No. 351 | Ajay_Bhalla_ 2004_Feedback_ Tuning Accession No. 78 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Ajay SM, Bhalla US. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 Nov;20(10):2671-80. ( Peer-reviewed publication )/ 2006-12-12 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 125, 150, 163, 210, 316, 334 |
| We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of rec activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 |
| This pathway is part of accession 78 and is completely specified in the file acc78.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
4 | Gq Pathway No. 334 | Ajay_Bhalla_ 2004_PKM_MKP3_ Tuning Accession No. 77 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Ajay SM, Bhalla US. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 Nov;20(10):2671-80 ( Peer-reviewed publication )/ 2006-12-12 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 125, 150, 163, 210, 316, 351 |
| We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of rec activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 |
| This pathway is part of accession 77 and is completely specified in the file acc77.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
5 | Gq Pathway No. 74 | Synaptic_ Network Accession No. 16 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Bhalla US and Iyengar R. Science (1999) 283(5400):381-7. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2001-12-12 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 111, 125, 150, 163, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| The model for the Gq pathway plus its activators, here represented by the metabotropic glutamate receptor. We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of receptor activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 This mGluR/Gq model lacks a mechanism for receptor desensitization. |
| This pathway is part of accession 16 and is completely specified in the file acc16.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc16.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc16.g |
6 | Gq Pathway No. 210 | MAPK_network_ 2003 Accession No. 50 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Bhalla US Biophys J. 2004 Aug;87(2):745-53. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2003-04-28 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 125, 150, 163, 316, 334, 351 |
| We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of rec activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 |
| This pathway is part of accession 50 and is completely specified in the file acc50.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
7 | Gq Pathway No. 111 | NonOsc_Ca_ IP3metabolism Accession No. 23 | Network | Molecule = 11 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Mishra J, Bhalla US. Biophys J. 2002 Sep;83(3):1298-316. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2002-01-07 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 125, 150, 163, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| The model for the Gq pathway plus its activators, here represented by the metabotropic glutamate receptor. We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein G et al J Biol Chem. 1992 Apr 25;267(12):8081-8. Structure of receptor activation of Gq from Fay SP et al Biochemistry. 1991 May 21;30(20):5066-75.This mGluR/Gq model lacks a mechanism for receptor desensitization. |
| This pathway is part of accession 23 and is completely specified in the file acc23.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc23.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc23.g |
8 | Gq Pathway No. 125 | Osc_Ca_ IP3metabolism Accession No. 24 | Network | Molecule = 11 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Mishra J, Bhalla US. Biophys J. 2002 Sep;83(3):1298-316. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2002-01-08 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 150, 163, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| The model for the Gq pathway plus its activators, here represented by the metabotropic glutamate receptor. We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of receptor activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 This mGluR/Gq model lacks a mechanism for receptor desensitization. |
| This pathway is part of accession 24 and is completely specified in the file acc24.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc24.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc24.g |
9 | Gq Pathway No. 150 | NonOsc_Ca_ IP3metabolism Accession No. 31 | Network | Molecule = 11 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Mishra J, Bhalla US. Biophys J. 2002 Sep;83(3):1298-316. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2002-04-03 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 125, 163, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| The model for the Gq pathway plus its activators, here represented by the metabotropic glutamate receptor. We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normally we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JBC 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of receptor activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 This mGluR/Gq model lacks a mechanism for receptor desensitization. |
| This pathway is part of accession 31 and is completely specified in the file acc31.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc31.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc31.g |
10 | Gq Pathway No. 163 | Osc_Ca_ IP3metabolism Accession No. 32 | Network | Molecule = 11 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Mishra J, Bhalla US. Biophys J. 2002 Sep;83(3):1298-316. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2002-04-03 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 5, 23, 74, 111, 125, 150, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| The model for the Gq pathway plus its activators, here represented by the metabotropic glutamate recept
or. We assume GTP is present in fixed amounts, so we leave it out of the explicit equations in this model. Normal
ly we would expect it to associate along with the G-Receptor-ligand complex. Most info is from Berstein et al JB
C 267:12 8081-8088 1992 Structure of receptor activation of Gq from Fay et al Biochem 30 5066-5075 1991 This mGl
uR/Gq model lacks a mechanism for receptor desensitization. |
| This pathway is part of accession 32 and is completely specified in the file acc32.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc32.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc32.g |
11 | Gq Pathway No. 5 | fig2_egfr
Accession No. 1 | Network | Molecule = 7 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 9
| Molecule = 0 Enzyme = 0 Reaction = 0
| Bhalla US and Iyengar R. Science (1999) 283(5400):381-7. ( peer-reviewed publication )/ 2001-11-07 00:00:00 |
| #11Related Pathway: 23, 74, 111, 125, 150, 163, 210, 316, 334, 351 |
| This network was used to generate figure 2 in Bhalla US and Iyengar R. Science (1999) 283(5400):381-7. It consists of the MAPK cascade in a feedback loop with PKC, and receives input from the EGFR in the synapse. Demonstration script files for generating the figures in the paper, including figure 2, are available here. |
| This pathway is part of accession 1 and is completely specified in the file acc1.g. There is no separate files for just this pathway. |
Format | File | Native Format (GENESIS format) | acc1.g | GENESIS Format (Annotated version) | Anno_acc1.g |